Digital Citizenship
Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is one of our most important areas of focus as we move into our district's digital transformation. It is an area that we need to educate our teachers and students.
Our instructional technology department plans to include elements of digital citizenship in all our professional development as a support to teachers to see how they can include elements in their daily teaching. We have begun to pull some of the wonderful resources from Common Sense. org and NetSmartz an include lessons with our curriculum for teachers.
I see the need to really emphasize the important of digital citizenship through Digital Citizenship week in October. This coming year, I hope to promote this week and the lessons provide by grade level through Common Sense Media. This would be a great kickoff in the beginning of the year to get exposure and to get the message out.
I would also like to tie in an incentive for teachers to become a Common Sense Digital Citizenship Certified Educators in our district. I think if we create a PD that teachers can watch the videos and plan lessons to implement, this will assist in our teachers taking the step to teach the lessons and apply for certification. We can also promote the badge that is awarded to get others interested. I hope this might be a way to engage our teachers with the resources that are already created and vetted.
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