VoiceThread www.voicethread.com Free app on App store for IOS devices. VoiceThread is web-based, so there is now install. If you are on a desktop computer, you may need a microphone if there isn't an internal mic. VoiceThread allows you to upload images, documents, or video. Commenting on on VoiceThread slides can be added as an audio comment, video comment through video camera, or typed comment. VoiceThread had a google account login, so teachers can sign in with their RCSD121 account. You just have go into your gmail to verify the account. In a teacher account, you can add identities. So you have add all your students names. This works well in a K-2 classroom using an iPad. You can only log into the account on 1 computer. Free accounts allow for 5 voiceThreads. Sharing options allow you to share the link or an embed code. Project Project with a Dual-language Grade 3 class - Animales Adaptacions Details: Students had written ...